The Sea

by raimperial

It felt like a convoluted sense of relief, knowing that it was soon going to be over. It felt like waking up from a dreamless sleep, from a long and deep metaphorical sleep (quoting a friend), only to realize how many things have already happened and how much has already changed. The whole journey had been filled with inseparable uncertainties, perennially caught in between god knows what. How I survived swimming in a sea of question marks, I could never explain – but perhaps what matters now is that somewhere from a distance, from where I am currently struggling to keep afloat, is a new shore that can be visibly seen, a piece of land where the solidness of the ground, in every perceptible aspect, might be a little less unsettling for any intrinsically terrestrial creature.

I guess there is no point diving for inexplicable hearts, for abstruse pearls that lay on the grim seabed. There is no point holding your breath while fighting against the strong undercurrents that only threaten to drown you forever. However irresistible the mysteries these deep waters exude, what a person like me truly needs right now, more than anything, is a time and place in space to watch the stars in the evening sky, while thinking of new ways to reach for them.

The only way is up.

So I keep swimming.