I want you.

by raimperial

I want to chase you, I want to hold you by the hand and let you know with a kiss, how much I want you to be by my side. I want to feel my heart racing, pounding vociferously under my cage of my chest; and the rushing force of crimson, dilating my arteries, heating up my skin as if a sun thrives inside me. I want it so badly I dream of you all day and night, lying beside me, filling the empty space on my bed. Filling the room with the smell of your hair, the scent of your perfume. Feeling your skin brush with mine; tasting your kiss, wet as the rain. Gently feeling you from the inside, like walking back and forth through an unexplored territory in the vast wilderness. Listening to you whisper in my ears words that drive me crazy. Nose to nose, chest to chest, our bodies tighly locked, intertwined, fluid, eternally moving, meandering like rivers and streams through valleys and mountains. Charting the bright constellations in the evening sky with our hands held together, us sharing each other’s warmth in the cold of the night.

But that’s all there is to it. A distraction. Diversion. A beautiful release of temptations, of frustrations – and as lyrically portrayed in a song, of memories seeping from the veins. The body longs for things the heart does not. The mind thinks of things the heart can not. The eyes are not blind; they’re simply struggling to make sense of a space and place in time that is simply too dark. You think you’re traveling on a straight path but deep within you a soul knows that you’re just going around in circles. It has not yet come to a point where desire has become impossible to calculate or to a point where madness could directly translate into love.

I only want you.

I want only you.

I jumble them up and this nonchalant, cold, cold heart begins to tremble.